NEPCHAM 6th Convention
नेपाल चेम्बर अफ कमर्स हङकङको छैठौँ अधिवेशन लवकुमार गुरुङको अध्यक्षता र यहाँस्थित नेपाली महावाणिज्यदूतावासका कार्यवाहक महावाणिज्यदूत सतिशकुमार गुरुङको प्रमुख आतिथ्यतामा सम्पन्न भएको छ। गत शुक्रबार

Farewell Dinner to Consul General of Nepal for Hong Kong Dr. Udaya Bahadur Rana Magar
Farewell Dinner to Consul General of Nepal for Hong kong Dr. Udaya Bahadur Rana Magar organized jointly by Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong (NCCHK)

NCCHK Attends Invest HK Annual Reception
NCCHK Attends Invest HK Annual Reception

NCCHK Attends I-YES 2024 Organized by FINYE Hong Kong
NCCHK Attends I-YES 2024 Organized by FINYE Hong Kong

NCCHK Attends the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC) 54th Term Board Inaugural Ceremony
NCCHK Attends the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC) 54th Term Board Inaugural Ceremony

NCCHK Attends the Cocktail Reception hosted by SCED
NCCHK attends the cocktail reception hosted by the SCED

CGCC Horse Racing Cup Networking Dinner
NCCHK had the pleasure to attend the CGCC Horse Racing Cup Networking Dinner.

NCCHK Attented the Korean National Day
NCCHK had the pleasure to attend the Korean National Day 2024

Dear Esteemed Members of the Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong (NEPCHAM)
I am deeply grateful for the honor of being elected as the President of the 6th Convention 2025 of the Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong.
The Nepal Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is a vital platform for Nepali businesses and entrepreneurs in the region. Our mission is to enhance trade and economic relations between Nepal and Hong Kong, foster networking opportunities, and promote collaboration with both local and international entities.
As President, my key responsibilities include:
- Supporting Businesses: Providing resources and assistance to Nepali entrepreneurs aiming to establish or expand their ventures in Hong Kong.
- Facilitating Networking: Organizing events, seminars, and forums to connect our members with other business leaders and potential partners.
- Cultural Exchange: Promoting Nepali culture in Hong Kong and creating opportunities for cultural exchange to strengthen community bonds.
- Advocacy: Representing the Nepali business community and advocating for favorable policies and regulations impacting trade and commerce.
- Information Sharing: Disseminating important information regarding market trends, business opportunities, and regulatory changes that may affect businesses.
For the latest updates, events, or specific initiatives, please visit our official website or contact me directly at 92033715.
Thank you very much.
Mr. Shashi Madan Rai