Being a chamber of commerce member comes with many benefits that can boost your business. Whether you are a business with no employees or have employees in the thousands, you can enjoy an exceptional return on investment by leveraging your chamber’s advocacy, marketing, networking, credibility, referral, website, discount, and professional benefits.
The Chamber is an advocate for your business. It is very important that appropriate attention be given to issues that affect our community and your business at the state and national levels. The Chamber leads that effort through its government affairs program.
The chamber might promote your business, especially when you first become a member. Chambers have many marketing venues, including their website, social media, community events, and print advertising. The chamber of commerce likely has a larger following than your business, so any exposure the chamber gives to your business can be beneficial.
When you join a chamber, you can network with other member businesses. By networking, you get to know others in your community, develop partnerships, and support other businesses. If your business is ever in need, you’ll have a community of business owners to turn to for help.
Being a chamber member makes your business more desirable to customers. When a small business is a chamber member, consumers are 80% more likely to purchase goods or services from the business in the future. Chamber membership can increase your profits because customers view your business more favorably.
Many people turn to the Chamber for referrals. As a benefit of your membership, we provide business referrals first to Chamber members. Hundreds of these referrals are provided each month.
Your company, name, address, phone, email, and web address, as well as your products or services, will appear in the membership listing on the Chamber’s website
By joining a Chamber, you can gain discounts on many of your business needs. You can get discounts on business formation and license, accounting, and audit services designing and printing services, restaurants, and bars, retailers and wholesalers, and many more. Chamber members will often offer discounts to one another. Is your business having a lunch meeting? Check for discounts with restaurants that are members of your chamber. Need special fliers for an event or sale? A print shop that is a chamber member might offer you a reduced rate. Group savings add up—sometimes to thousands or more—and chamber members and vendor partners are always adding and improving benefits.
The Chamber might host professional development events. These events might include training or meeting opportunities. These opportunities help you learn or improve upon skills that are essential to running your business.