G/F, Lee Shing Mansion,
13 Wai Ching Street,
Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong

+852 9203 3715 (President)
+852 5169 9331 (Gen. Secretary)


6th Meeting

Date: 23 Dec 2022, Friday, Time: 5:00 PM, Venue: NRNA Office, Jordan, HK.

Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong’s 6th meeting was held at the above date, time, and venue. Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung presided the meeting. The meeting discussed the following agendas and passed the resolutions.


  1. Classification of Members and New Member Form.
  2. Member List on Annual Report 2022.
  3. Chairman Word in Annual Report 2022.
  4. Advertizement on Annual Report 2022.
  5. Kamal Gurung as Representative.
  6. Management Committee. 


Members will be classified as follows and will be proposed on the 15th AGM.

    • Corporate Member
      1. Limited Company
      2. Voting Rights
      3. Fee HK$600/Year
    • Non-Corporate Member
      1. Non-Limited Company
      2. Voting Rights
      3. Fee HK$500/Year
    • Overseas Member
      1. All companies
      2. No Voting Rights
      3. Fee HK$ 500/Year
    • Professional Member
      1. Age under 35
      2. Professional Certificate
      3. No Voting Rights
      4. Fee HK$400/Year
    • Student Members
      • Nepali Student studying in HK
      • Student Card
      • No Voting Rights
      • Fee: FREE
  1. Member list will be published in Annual Report 2022
  2.  Chairman Words should be published in Annual Report 2022.
  3. Advertisement of Business Sorcerer Academy will be published free of cost on the last page of the Annual Report 2022.
  4. Kamal Gurung will be appointed as an Honorable Business Representative of the Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong for Nepal till 31 Dec 2024.
  5. Management committee will be created as follows and proposed in the 15th AGM.
    1. Business & Planning Committee
    2. IT & Professional Services Provider Committee
    3. Finance, Remit, Gold, Jewelry, and Antique Committee
    4. Hotel, Restaurant, Travel & Tours Committee
    5. Retail, Wholesale, Import, Export Committee
    6. Beauty, Clothing, Gift & Handicraft Committee
    7. Security, Construction & Others Committee
  6. There were no further agenda and chairman closed the meeting.


  1. President:- Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung
  2. First VP: Mr. Dharam Kumar Gurung
  3. VP: Mr. Dhiraj Kumar Rai
  4. General Secretary:- Mr. Shashi Madan Rai
  5. Secretary:- Mr. Bardan (Denny) Gurung
  6. Treasurer: Ms. Indra Gurung
  7. Joint Treasurer: Mr. Tirtha Raj (Jeevan) Gurung
  8. Executive: Mr. Dhundi (Raj) Gyawali
  9. Executive: Mr. Prakash (JP) Gurung
  10. Executive: Mr. Bishnu Kumar Gurung
  11. Executive: Mr. Yubraj Gurung
  12. Executive: Mr. Pradip Kandhangwa
  13. Executive: Mr. Suman Ingnam Limbu
  14. Executive: Mr. Laxman Thapa Magar
  15. Executive: Ms. Tika Maya Shrestha

5th Meeting

Date: 23 Dec 2022, Friday, Time: 5:00 PM, Venue: NRNA Office, Jordan, HK.

Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong’s 5th meeting was held at the above date, time, and venue. Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung presided the meeting. The meeting discussed the following agendas and passed the resolutions.


  1. 15th Annual General Meeting
  2. Annual Report 2022
  3. Irregular Executive Members
  4. Office Opening
  5. Arrangement of Directive
  6. 15 Anniversary
  7. AOB


  1. The 15th Annual General Meeting of Nepal Chamber of Commerce scheduled to be held on January 2, 2023, has been postponed to Sunday, 22 January 2023. The responsibility of shifting the time of the venue was given to the chairman. It was decided to make the General Assembly Committee with 3 members. The responsibility of choosing the members of the General Assembly Committee was given to the President.
  2. The secretary was given the task of adding more activities to the annual report 2022 prepared by the general secretary. It was decided to keep the list of members and internal directive too in the AGM Report 2022. It was decided to print 100 copies of the annual report in A4 color booklet size. It was decided to show the balance of the previous year and current year in the financial report.
  3. It was decided to discuss in the next meeting about the members of the executive committee who do not attend the meeting for 3 consecutive times.
  4. It was decided to inaugurate the office provided by the chairman till his tenure on January 8, 2022.
  5. It was decided to make additional arrangements regarding the management committee in section 2 of chapter 3 of the internal guidelines and to make additional arrangements regarding meetings and quorum in section 1 of chapter 6 and proposed to pass it in the general meeting.
  6. Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong decided to celebrate its anniversary on 11th March 2023 in a bar or restaurant owned by Nepalis. The responsibility of finding the venue was given to the secretary.

There was no additional business and closed the meeting by the chairman.


  1. President:- Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung
  2. First VP: Mr. Dharam Kumar Gurung
  3. VP: Mr. Dhiraj Kumar Rai
  4. General Secretary:- Mr. Shashi Madan Rai
  5. Secretary:- Mr. Bardan (Denny) Gurung
  6. Treasurer: Ms. Indra Gurung
  7. Joint Treasurer: Mr. Tirtha Raj (Jeevan) Gurung
  8. Executive: Mr. Dhundi (Raj) Gyawali
  9. Executive: Mr. Prakash (JP) Gurung
  10. Executive: Mr. Bishnu Kumar Gurung
  11. Executive: Mr. Yubraj Gurung
  12. Executive: Mr. Pradip Kandhangwa
  13. Executive: Mr. Suman Ingnam Limbu
  14. Executive: Mr. Laxman Thapa Magar
  15. Executive: Ms. Tika Maya Shrestha

4th Meeting

Date: 21 Nov 2022 Mon, Time: 05:00 PM, Venue: NRNA Office, Jordan, HK.

Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong’s 4th meeting was held at above date, time, and venue. Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung presided the meeting. The meeting discussed the following agendas and passed the resolutions.


  1. Affiliation
  2. Mangement Committee
  3. Anniversary
  4. Code if Conduct of Meeting
  5. Next Meeting
  6. EOB


  1.  Affiliation:
    • Decided that NCCHK will provide business services to its members like business formation & licensing services, secretarial & bank opening services, accounting and taxation services, job & employment services, etc.
    • Decided to form an affiliated company to provide the above services. 
    • Decided to make “Business Sorcerer Academy Hong Kong Limited” in short “BSACADEMY” will be an affiliated company of NCCHK.
    • TERM & CONDITION passed as follows.
      1. Affiliate will pay the Chamber 5% affiliation charge for every referrer.
      2. Affiliate will provide Chamber’s Member 5% Discount on the Service Charge.
      3. Affiliate will use the Chamber’s logo and write “Affiliated with Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong”.
      4. Affiliate will be free member of the Chamber until the agreement is in active.
      5. Chamber will place a website link of the Affiliate in the Chamber’s official website header.
      6. After sign both parties, the contract will be activated.
  2.  Management Committee:
    •  Management committee is formed as follows with the mission “Working together cooperatively towards a common goal”
      1.  Business & Planning Committee:
        • Objectives: Support Nepalese business entrepreneur & develop business plan & events.
        • Job: Planning Events, Venue Booking, Budgeting, Finding Sponsor and Advertiser, Membership Growth
        • Committee Members: Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung, Mr. Dharam Gurung, Mr. Dhiraj Kumar Rai
      2.  IT & Professional Services Provider Committee:
        •  Objectives: Support and Promote IT & Service Providers’ Business
        • Job: Design & Print Poster, Flayer, Publicity, Communicate & invite members, and stakeholders.
        • Committee Members: Mr. Shashi Madan Rai, Mr. Danny Bardan
      3. Finance, Remit, Gold, Jewelry and Antique Committee
        • Objectives: Promote Finance, Remit, Gold, Jewelry, and antique Business
        • Job: At the Event, Make Attendance of Attendees, Keep Financial Records of the event.
        • Committee Members: Ms. Indra Gurung, Mr. Tirtha (Jeevan) Gurung.
      4. Hotel, Restaurant, Travel & Tours Committee
        • Objectives: Support & Promote Hotel, Restaurant, Travel & Tours business.
        • Job: At the Event, Management Catering Services, Manage hotel & Ticketing Service.
        • Committee Members: Mr. Prakash (JP) Gurung, Mr. Pradip Kandanwa
      5. Retail, Wholesale, Import, Export Committee
        • Objectives: Make business network of Retailers, Wholesalers, Import, Export Business.
        • Job: At the Event, Deliver or Procure Goods, Support Customs & Excise Department work.
        • Committee Members: Mr. Dhundi (Raj) Gyawali, Mr. Laxman Thapa Magar
      6. Beauty, Clothing, Gift & Handicraft Committee
        • Objectives: Promote Beauty, clothing, Gift & Handicraft Business in Hong Kong.
        • Job: At the Event, Receipt & Welcome Guest, Make Decoration of the event venue.
        • Committee Members: Ms. Tika Maya Shrestha, Mr. Suman Ingnam.
      7. Security, Construction & Others Committee
        • Objectives: Support to Security & Construction company and not mention above company.
        • Job: At the Event, Provide Security, Support, First Aid, and Volunteers.
        • Committee Members: Mr. Bishnu Gurung, Mr. Yuwaraj Gurung
  3. Anniversary:
    •  15th Anniversary will be organized on 11 Mar 2023, Saturday. The venue will be fixed by President and present at the next meeting
  4. Code of Conduct of Meeting:
    • Code of Conduct of meeting passed as follows.
      1. Executive meetings will be held at least once every first Friday of the month. 
      2. If special circumstances arise, the meeting may be convened at any time on the advice of the President and the General Secretary.
      3. Attendance of more than 51% of the total executive committee will be considered a quorum for the meeting.
      4. Information regarding the meeting on WhatsApp will be considered as official.
      5. If unable to attend the meeting, write the request to the president or the general secretary’s personal WhatsApp. Don’t write on Group’s WhatsApp.
      6. Write the request “I won’t be able to attend the meeting on (DATE), I will agree to whatever decision is made by the meeting, I will sign the minute without objection on the next meeting”
      7. Attend the meeting regularly. A written explanation will be asked for those who do not attend the regular meeting 3 times continuously.
      8. If the explanation is not forthcoming or the executive committee does not satisfy, the post will be dismissed.
      9. Mobile phones should be kept in silent mode during the meeting.
      10. When speaking on the topic of discussion in the meeting, speak according to the turn by turn.
      11. Applause should be given to show satisfaction and raise a hand to dissatisfaction at the meeting
  5. Next Meeting:
    • Next meeting will be held on 23 Dec 2022, Friday. The venue will be fixed by President. 


  1. President:- Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung
  2. First VP: Mr. Dharam Kumar Gurung
  3. VP: Mr. Dhiraj Kumar Rai
  4. General Secretary:- Mr. Shashi Madan Rai
  5. Secretary:- Mr. Bardan (Denny) Gurung
  6. Treasurer: Ms. Indra Gurung
  7. Vice Treasurer: Mr. Tirtha Raj (Jeevan) Gurung
  8. Executive: Mr. Dhundi (Raj) Gyawali
  9. Executive: Mr. Prakash (JP) Gurung
  10. Executive: Mr. Bishnu Kumar Gurung
  11. Executive: Mr. Yubraj Gurung
  12. Executive: Mr. Pradip Kandhangwa
  13. Executive: Mr. Mr. Suman Ingnam Limbu
  14. Executive: Mr. Mr. Laxman Thapa Magar
  15. Executive: Mr. Ms. Tika Maya Shrestha

3rd Meeting

Date: 23 Sep 2022 Fri, Time: 01:00 PM, Venue: Zoom

Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong’s 3rd meeting was held at above date, time, and venue. Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung presided the meeting. The meeting discussed the following agendas and passed the resolutions.


  1. Workshop or Seminar
  2. Hiking Program
  3. Affiliation.


  1. Nepal Chamber of Commerce decided to organize a seminar program in Hong Kong. General Secretary Mr. Shashi Madan Rai was entrusted with the responsibility of this program.
  2. Nepal Chamber of Commerce decided to organize a hiking program in Hong Kong.Chairman Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung was entrusted with the responsibility of this program.
  3. Due to the short time this “Affiliation” agenda postponed to next meeting.

There was no additional business and closed the meeting by the chairman.


  1. President: Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung (Present)
  2. First VP: Mr. Dharam Kumar Gurung (Present)
  3. VP: Mr. Dhiraj Kumar Rai (Present)
  4. General Secretary: Mr. Shashi Madan Rai (Present)
  5. Secretary: Mr. Bardan (Denny) Gurung (Present)
  6. Treasurer: Ms. Indra Gurung (Absent)
  7. Vice Treasurer: Mr. Tirtha Raj (Jeevan) Gurung (Present)
  8. Executive: Mr. Dhundi (Raj) Gyawali (Present)
  9. Executive: Mr. Prakash (JP) Gurung (Present)
  10. Executive: Mr. Bishnu Kumar Gurung (Absent)
  11. Executive: Mr. Yubraj Gurung (Absent)
  12. Executive: Mr. Pradip Kandhangwa (Present)
  13. Executive: Mr. Suman Ingnam Limbu (Absent)
  14. Executive: Mr. Laxman Thapa Magar (Absent)
  15. Executive: Ms. Tika Maya Shrestha (Present)

2nd Meeting

Date: 15 Aug 2022, Wed, Date: 08:00 PM, Venue: Zoom

Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong’s 2nd meeting was held at above date, time, and venue. Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung presided the meeting. The meeting discussed the following agendas and passed the resolutions.


  1. Congratulation to Member
  2. NCCHK Member Fee
  3. Appointment of Company Secretary


  1. Provide e-congratulation in social media to Blue Start Express Limited (Sister company of GURKHA STORE) has been appointed as the Cargo Sales Agent (CSA) for the Nepal Airlines Corporation in Hong Kong.
  2. All new membership and renewal membership charges will be FREE until 31 Dec 2023.
  3. Business Sorcerer Academy Hong Kong Limited (BSACADEMY) is appointed as company secretary for the year 1 Jan 2022 to 31 Dec 2022. The fee will be HK$1500/Year.


  1. President: Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung (Present)
  2. First VP: Mr. Dharam Kumar Gurung (Present)
  3. VP: Mr. Dhiraj Kumar Rai (Present)
  4. General Secretary: Mr. Shashi Madan Rai (Present)
  5. Secretary: Mr. Bardan (Denny) Gurung (Present)
  6. Treasurer: Ms. Indra Gurung (Absent)
  7. Vice Treasurer: Mr. Tirtha Raj (Jeevan) Gurung (Present)
  8. Executive: Mr. Dhundi (Raj) Gyawali (Present)
  9. Executive: Mr. Prakash (JP) Gurung (Present)
  10. Executive: Mr. Bishnu Kumar Gurung (Absent)
  11. Executive: Mr. Yubraj Gurung (Absent)
  12. Executive: Mr. Pradip Kandhangwa (Present)
  13. Executive: Mr. Suman Ingnam Limbu (Absent)
  14. Executive: Mr. Laxman Thapa Magar (Absent)
  15. Executive: Ms. Tika Maya Shrestha (Present)

1st Meeting

Date: 7 Jul 2022 Wed, Time: 12:00 PM, Venue: Bule Ocean Restaurant, HK.

Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong’s 2nd meeting was held at above date, time, and venue. Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung presided the meeting. The meeting discussed the following agendas and passed the resolutions.


  1. Appointment of new executive committee members
  2. Appointment of new executive committee members
  3. Reinstatement of Patrons
  4. Reinstatement of Chief Advisor
  5. Appointment of Advisors
  6. Reinstatement of Ex-Officio Advisor
  7. Appointment of Media Reporters
  8. AOB


  1. Mr. Yubraj Gurung, Mr. Pradip Kandhangwa, Mr. Suman Ingnam Limbu, Mr. Laxman Thapa Magar, and Ms. Tika Maya Shrestha are appointed as executive committee members.
  2. The elected Ex-Come, Mr. Danny Bardan Gurung is upgraded to Secretary and the elected Ex-Com, Thirtha (Jeevan) Gurung is upgraded to Joint Secretary.
  3. According to the Internal Directives of the Chamber, the head of the Consulate General of Nepal Hong Kong Mr. Udaya Bahadur Rana Magar is reinstated as Hon’ble Chief Patron until restored. Mr. Bed Bahadur Khadka (The transition president in 2002-2005), Mr. Tej Bahadur Rai (The founder president in 2005-2008), and Mr. Jagannatha Gyawali (the 1st president in 2008-2013), are reinstated as Patrons.
  4. According to the Internal Directives of the Chamber, the immediate past president of the Chamber Mr. Dasu Ram Parajuli (the president in 2013-2021) is reinstated as Chief Advisor of the Chamber.
  5. Mr. Indra Wanem is appointed as General Advisor, Solicitor, Yek Narayan Sharma is appointed as Legal Advisor, Dr. Chura Thapa is appointed as Social Advisor, Mr. Rajesh Bhimsariya is appointed as Trade Advisor, and Mr. Sher Bahadur Limbu & Mr. Pawan Khemka are appointed as Advisors.
  6. According to the Internal Directives of the Chamber, the head of the Nepalese Representative Organizations in Hong Kong or a Representative of a business organization from Nepal or the organization established with similar objectives to the Nepal Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong automatically holds the post of Official Advisor until restored. Therefore President of the Non-Resident Nepalese Association (NRNA), Mr. Gokarna Dhakal, President of Hong Kong Nepalese Federation (HKNF), Ms. Rita Gurung, President of Nepali Federation of Indigenous Nationalities Hong Kong (NFIN), Mr. Krishna Lawati, Representative of Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FNCCI), Mr. Krishna Pandey, Honorable Representative of Nepal Chamber of Commerce (NCC), Ms. Aruna Gurung, President of Hong Kong Nepalese Business Association (HKNBA), Mr. Prakash Pun, President of Federation of International Nepalese Youth Entrepreneurs (FINYE), Mr. Akash Banjara, Manager of Nepal Airlines (NA), Mr. Nawa Raj Upadhaya are reinstated as Official Advisors.
  7. Mr. T.B. Yakkha ( and Mr. Jagat Ambu ( are appointed ad Official Media Reporters of the Chamber.

There is no further agenda and the chairman closed the meeting.


  1. President: Mr. Lab Kumar Gurung (Present)
  2. First VP: Mr. Dharam Kumar Gurung (Present)
  3. VP: Mr. Dhiraj Kumar Rai (Present)
  4. General Secretary: Mr. Shashi Madan Rai (Present)
  5. Treasurer: Ms. Indra Gurung (Present)
  6. Executive: Mr. Dhundi (Raj) Gyawali (Present)
  7. Executive: Mr. Prakash (JP) Gurung (Present)
  8. Executive: Mr. Bishnu Kumar Gurung (Absent)
  9. Executive: Mr. Bardan (Denny) Gurung (Present)
  10. Executive: Mr. Tirtha Raj (Jeevan) Gurung (Present)

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